From Sumplace New: The Long-Term Travel Podcast
Curious about international travel? Want to leave everything behind and become a digital nomad? We — Karen and Jon Sumple — did just that, leaving the USA in July 2018, and our open-ended, long-term travel journey has taken us through Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina Scotland and, now, South Africa. We enjoy living "Sumplace New" every few months because it provides perspective, awareness and understanding. We meet amazing people and witness how they live, work and play. We visit well-known destinations and wander roads less traveled to see where they lead. So why and how are we doing this? What are the obstacles, frustrations and lessons learned? The highlights and insights gleaned from living abroad, yet living locally? Listen in as we share all this and more. We continually challenge ourselves to "do the new" — and we encourage you to do the same, whether it's close to home or the other side of the world.
53 episodes
Why Cape Town stole our hearts (Part 1): Friendships for a lifetime (E53)
Episode 53 of From Sumplace New is an homage to the friendships we made during our time in Cape Town, South Africa. While some might say eight months is a long time, we left feeling like it wasn't enough. We also left with a heavy hear...
Episode 53

Barber Alex Culley cuts to the chase: Don't wait to live a life you'll love (E52)
"I'd rather be at the bottom of a ladder I want to climb, than half way up one I don't" says the Barber of Carlisle (aka Alex Culley), who drops some sage wisdom in Episode 52 of From Sumplace New about not just chasing dreams, but rea...
Episode 52

Monitoring mental health while traveling makes the journey more enjoyable (E51)
Episode 51 of From Sumplace New may be the most important episode yet because it focuses on mental health, understanding needs, navigating obstacles and creating solutions while living a travel lifestyle. Jon shares the story behind Ka...
Episode 51

Language learning tips from traveling hyperpolyglot Sarah Tarvin (E50)
Hola! And welcome to episode cincuenta of From Sumplace New! For this milestone 50th episode, Sarah Tarvin, a hyperpolyglot, joins us to discuss the importance of learning a language while traveling, and the language acquisition process —...
Episode 50

Leave your job for a travel lifestyle? Jenn Jennings shows us how (E49)
Jennifer Jennings (aka Jenn) and husband Kendall are living proof that you can build your ideal life by following your dreams and goals. In two short years, they went from living in Alberta, Canada, and working in the oil and gas industry to li...
Episode 49

Erin Thomas shares the secret to being a 'professional leaper' (E48)
Erin Thomas is a professional leaper. Period. Envious of her husband's travel for work, she hit a wall after an a-ha moment encouraged her to return to the office from lunch and resign on the spot. What transpired was a series of intenti...
Episode 48

Florian Hornig left a successful career for a life of simplicity and travel (E47)
To the point: Florian Hornig blew up his life and is happier for it – and that's not an understatement. Florian guides listeners on his journey from doing what was expected ... to trying and failing ... to climbing the ladder of success ... onl...
Episode 47

Purpose-driven, impact-maker Bob DePasquale pursues a life of travel (E46)
Bob DePasquale is on a mission to spread the message of positivity to a billion people -- yes, a billion! You can add two more to his list of positively inspired people: Jon and Karen! After this episode, we were truly inspired by Bob overcomin...
Episode 46

Essentials of mindful & meaningful travel with Erica Boucher (E45)
Erica Boucher is an author, counselor, yoga instructor, retreat leader and world traveler, and we're happy to call her a friend of the show! Episode 45 is chock full of travel wisdom, common sense, ah-ha insights and guiding mantras. We delve i...
Episode 45

Will & Jess Sueiro share their long journey from suburban living to WorldTowning (E44)
Anybody else in disbelief that it’s already April? 2020 was a year that felt like a decade and, now, 2021 is just flying by. But it's all good because we’ve dusted off our podcast gear and are excited to share a very special conversation with t...
Episode 44

Kirsten McCormick is 'Cheerfully Imperfect' about family travel (E43)
We're back! It's our first episode of 2021, and it's the first episode of our new and improved format where we interview a guest. This week, we spend time with Kirsten McCormick who shares why and how she and husband Justin manage a full-time t...
Episode 43

The Bonus Episode: Erica Boucher interviews Karen and Jon (E42)
We're transitioning! No more podcast episodes with just Jon and Karen droning on and on. Moving forward, episodes of From Sumplace New will feature guest interviews. To help prepare you for this new format, we're sharing an interview w...
Episode 42

Last episode of the year & big announcement for FSN! (E41)
It's hard to believe we started this podcast just weeks before the pandemic struck, and here we are 41 episodes later and we're still in pandemic-ville. *sigh* We're going to take a break from podcasting for the rest of 2020 so we can come back...
Episode 41

Pros and cons of travel during COVID-19 (E40)
Episode 40! Where has the time gone? Seems like the pandemic started just yesterday, no? Speaking of the pandemic, it has wreaked havoc on travel plans around the world. Trips have been cancelled, travel influencers have been grounded, and ever...
Episode 40

How to maintain a minimalist and stylish capsule wardrobe for full-time travel (E39)
Trying to be stylish while living out of a suitcase 365/24/7 is challenging. If you're considering a work-from-anywhere, open-ended, long-term travel lifestyle, you need to determine your fashionista quotient — practical (like Jon) or stylish (...
Episode 39

Benefits of a travel mindset vs. vacation mindset (E38)
Despite the pandemic limiting our full-speed ahead travel mindset, we're grateful we can move around (a little) and experience new things. One thing we've learned over the past two-plus years is how rewarding long-term travel is. In so many way...
Episode 38

Travel Stories: Surviving (barely) a violent hail storm hiking to Peru's Waqrapukara (E37)
This is the story of how Karen and Jon turned a 4-5 hour hike into an 8-hour ordeal in a violent hail, lightning and thunder storm while hiking back from the Inca ruins of Waqrapukara near Cusco, Peru. Besides the storm, why did it take so long...
Episode 37

How to choose the ideal work from anywhere location (E36)
We're big believers that there has never been a better time than right now to begin planning a work from anywhere lifestyle. And even if you don't think the time is right for you, where would you go if you could? Just going through the exercise...
Episode 36

Work from anywhere Q&A: Jon answers Karen's secret questions (E35)
Jon offers some insightful answers to Karen's questions about travel and our work from anywhere lifestyle. But first, the best thing that happened to Jon last week: freezer boots! The covid clampdown is coming to Scotland, but first, Karen want...
Episode 35

Digital nomad visas: Six countries currently offering one-year programs (E34)
Six countries officially offer visa programs directly targeting digital nomads, and two more have programs in the works. Check back in a few months, and there likely will be more countries added to the list. Why? In an effort to boost local eco...
Episode 34

Top 5 advantages of a work-from-anywhere travel lifestyle (E33)
There are dozens of advantages, but we're sharing five that really speak to us and will, hopefully, encourage others to see the benefits of working while traveling abroad. Our podcastation this week is in our new Edinburgh apartment situated on...
Episode 33

How to cultivate an explorer mindset—whether you're traveling or not (E32)
The longer we travel, the more we're inspired to keep traveling. Jon asks Karen a surprise question: What would it take to stop you from traveling? Her answer spurs a conversation around the explorer mindset, and that cultivating one encourages...
Episode 32

Top 5 excuses for not pursuing a work from anywhere lifestyle (E31)
Self-limiting language leads to self-limiting behavior. As long as you're saying things that support why you can't or shouldn't be doing something, the easier it is to not do it. Episode 31 features the top five excuses we hear from people who ...
Episode 31

Scotland driving experience: Easy, challenging or frightening? (E30)
Our first time driving in the UK! Was it a white-knuckler? Or super easy, barely an inconvenience? Jon shares his biggest challenges driving from the passenger seat (in the US) and on the left side of the road, and it has nothing to do with act...
Episode 30

Scottish words, phrases and slang that make us smile (E29)
After six weeks in Edinburgh, yet only four outside of our apartment due to quarantine upon arrival, we've spent weekends exploring, dining and shopping, which means we're frequently hearing the English language with a Scottish flair, and we lo...
Episode 29