From Sumplace New: The Long-Term Travel Podcast
From Sumplace New: The Long-Term Travel Podcast
Language learning tips from traveling hyperpolyglot Sarah Tarvin (E50)
Hola! And welcome to episode cincuenta of From Sumplace New! For this milestone 50th episode, Sarah Tarvin, a hyperpolyglot, joins us to discuss the importance of learning a language while traveling, and the language acquisition process — which will help you learn in a way that's most efficient and productive for you. Sarah currently speaks eight languages with a few more in the works, and she has been teaching her 18-month old daughter six — yes, SIX — different languages since the day she was born. Sarah shares the process she uses for teaching her daughter, which is practical advice for anyone considering learning a new language. She also shares a few language-related stories where being a hyperpolyglot is a good thing — and, at times, creates some embarrassing moments. Sarah also discusses the habits and tools she uses daily to learn new languages and maintain her proficiency in the languages she currently speaks. On her website — Polyglotandtot.com — Sarah offers coaching opportunities and workshops to help people understand what ways are best for them, individually, to learn a language.
Learn more about Sarah here:
Intro/Outro Music: The World at Large by Daniel O'Connor
Intro VO: Laura Welsh
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