From Sumplace New: The Long-Term Travel Podcast

Will & Jess Sueiro share their long journey from suburban living to WorldTowning (E44)

Jon Sumple & Karen Bernhardt-Sumple Episode 44

Anybody else in disbelief that it’s already April? 2020 was a year that felt like a decade and, now, 2021 is just flying by. But it's all good because we’ve dusted off our podcast gear and are excited to share a very special conversation with two amazing work-from-anywhere travelers. We stumbled upon Will and Jess Sueiro while researching info on travel visas in February 2017. We loved their passion and energy and proceeded to binge-watch every video on their YouTube channel about their travels as digital nomads with their two kids, Avalon and Largo. We were early into our long-term travel planning, and their insights, practical instruction and passion put us on the perfect trajectory. We resonated so much with them that we reached out and said hello. Within weeks of connecting, they launched WorldTowning and we scheduled a consultation and, ultimately, attended their inaugural WorldTowning University program. Needless to say, they've guided and inspired us in immeasurable ways. Check out this episode for a spirited and personal glimpse into the Sueiros’ journey from a “living the American Dream” family (but wanting more) to a globe-trotting, “seize the day” quad of adventurers who have carved out a lifestyle that feeds them. You’ll discover that the process isn't always easy, and it often manifests over time as an initial desire transforms into a tactical plan. Listen and learn what it takes to face down your fears, craft a game plan, take the leap … and never look back.

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Intro/Outro Music: The World at Large by Daniel O'Connor
Intro VO: Laura Welsh

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